Mary lives in Idyllwild, California with her partner Felipe, daughter Lily and son Epifanio, and their dog, three cats, and chickens.

Her path of integrating organic herbs, whole foods and toxic-free products began in 2005, when both her parents began to suffer chronic illness. Her father developed heart disease, kidney disease and diabetes; her mother diagnosed with thyroid disease and cervical cancer. It was important for her to learn how she could best help her parents heal from toxic food, chemicals, surgeries, and the side effects of pharmaceutical drugs, so she immersed herself in researching and creating natural remedies and cooking with healing foods. This marked the beginning of her family's integration of Earth-based systems of living and healing.

Mary leads campaign strategy to protect California’s public lands with Sierra Club, the nation’s oldest and largest environmental organization. She has over 17 years of public policy and community organizing experience. After earning her BA in Community Studies from UC Santa Cruz, she joined the organizing staff at the ACLU and Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights. Her masters degree is in public policy from Mills College, with a concentration in climate policy. While in graduate school, she worked to protect lands, air, and water with the League of Conservations Voters before leading national campaigns for the widespread adoption of clean energy, electric transportation, and climate justice. She is honored to have multiple dream jobs all working in synergy with each other.

Mary is third-generation Sicilian and second-generation Cherokee. Her mother is French and Native American, a citizen of the Cherokee Nation and first generation born outside Cherokee Territory. Mary’s great, great, great grandmother Mary Elizabeth Parris was forced to walk the Trail of Tears from Adair, Georgia to Going Snake, Oklahoma, where her family’s oil-rich land was forcibly taken by the U.S. Government. Parris was the granddaughter of Ani Ga tge Wi “Pratchey” Moytoy, daughter of Chief Moytoy of the Wolf Clan. Mary’s ancestral history is a close part of her spiritual, professional, and family traditions.

Wild+Craft creations are made with great intention and care, and in honor to Mary’s ancestors, the beautiful Idyllwild land, and to our future generations.

Mary Elizabeth Lunetta

creator | herbalist | climate strategist

Wild+Craft | Ethos

At the foundation for all that Wild+Craft offers is a deep commitment to clean, sustainable living and study-supported remedies. Our goods are 100% organic, all-natural, synthetics-free; and as locally sourced, wildcrafted, and handcrafted as possible.

Wild+Craft is inspired and guided by accessible folk herbalism, the practice of traditional herbal alchemy: embracing the learning from ancestral wisdom, peer-reviewed studies, and all in-between - with wonder and curiosity, creativity, intuition, and exploration.

Accessible herbalism encourages consistent and expanded access to both ancestral wisdom and modern studies. It works to identify effective, all-natural healing modalities, and believes this wisdom is the birthright to all people, families and communities to live, heal and thrive.

Accessible herbalism recognizes gatekeeping beliefs and practices as harmful barriers to community access. Wild+Craft nurtures community learning, mutual aid, and collaboration over exclusion, competition, and cancel culture.

Wild+Craft was formed in 2020, after quarantine and injection mandates encouraged Mary to 1) build deeper relationship with the abundance of herbs, plants, and botanicals on and around her land in Idyllwild, California; and 2) deep-dive into peer-reviewed medical journals, integrate her ancestral traditions, and experiment with herbal blends and recipes in new and expanded ways.

From the Earth,

for the body